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Name: The category of legal language in respect of expressing the natural language: cognitive-semiotic approach

Authors: Slepukhin S.N.

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2011Pages 222-226
UDK: 81–DOI:

Abstract: The present article deals with philosophical preconditions of appearance and classical use of the term «category» in linguistic and legal context. Given is criticism of objectivistic understanding of semantics of the words expressing legal categories. Alter-natively, there has been proved the application of cognitive (within the limits of the theory of prototypes) and semiotics (within the limits of the sign theory) approach to the analysis of categorization's phenomenon in a legal language. Legal language is a meta-semiotics construction on the basis of the natural language which is determined by some cognitive mechanisms.

Keywords: category, prototypical effect, idealized cognitive model (icm), the frame, impor-tance, concept, legal person


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