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Name: Elements of political discourse in the Russian military discourse of the early 20th century (based on the analysis of regional texts)

Authors: A. V. Ulanov

Omsk Aviation College named after N. E. Zhukovsky, Omsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2020Pages 278-289
UDK: 81DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/22

Abstract: Military and political discourses refer to institutional varieties of discourse and have similar features that indicate the interdiscursive interaction of linguistic means used within these discourses. The work aims to see how the signs and means of expression coincide in the two types of institutional discourse. The presence of linguistic units of the nomenclature subject suggests that the political discourse permeates the military one during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The interaction of military and political discourses is found in the regional Russian language of Siberia at this stage of the Russian language development. Political discourse includes linguistic means of nomenclature and official character, which are the means of regulation of the official power. Considering the availability of such means in the military discourse of Siberia at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century, the presence of military-administrative terms in the Russian language testifies to the expansion of political, and in particular, political discourse in the military discourse. In the linguistic reality, the interconnection between military and political discourses is revealed in the fact that nominations are correlated simultaneously with both military and political discourse. The paper identifies the main thematic groups of nominations, revealing the strongest influence of the administrative language. The interaction of military and administrative discourse in the regional Russian language of Siberia is reflected in the framework of interpenetration of lexical units, creation of interdiscursive models of semantic word- formation, the presence of speech complexes with the semantics of imperativeness – verbs with semantics “management” in the grammatical structure of military discourse.

Keywords: military discourse, political discourse, regional Russian language


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