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Name: The metaphorical representation of Kunde (client) in economic discourse (in terms of German and Russian languages)

Authors: А. А. Sheremetyeva, I. N. Zyryanova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2016Pages 152-161
UDK: 811.112.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/14

Abstract: This paper is a study of the metaphorization process of a concept of kunde (client) as a component of the concept of the homo economicus in an economic discourse of Russian and German linguacultures. The notion «economic discourse» is under consideration, as well as the sphere of its usage and the main characteristics, one of which is a metaphoric component. In the process of analyzing the metaphoric concept kunde (client) in the texts of economic discourse, the authors point out diverse sphere-sources of metaphorization: «Theatre», «Hunting», «Wildlife», «Device». The metaphoric representation of homo economicus combines communicative images, such as a client, a businessman, a shop assistant, a consultant, a middleman. The metaphoric concept of client, presented in artificial and zoomorphic metaphors, which are found in the texts of the discourse is compared and analyzed in detail. The authors summarize general and specific characteristics of metaphoric representations in the economic discourse in Russian and German languages.

Keywords: economic discourse, conceptual metaphor, metaphorization


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