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Name: Non-verbal ways of representation of perception in the speech of the dialect language personality

Authors: S. S. Zemicheva

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2016Pages 142-151
UDK: 81’282.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/13

Abstract: Non-verbal ways of representation of perceptive concepts are described on the material of speech records of the Siberian peasant woman, the keeper of the old-timer’s dialect of Russian. Along with widely spread dimensional gestures, non-verbal ways of a nomination of other types are analyzed, and most of them are described for the first time. The dialect speaker uses non-verbal units for representation of almost all perceptive modalities (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory). Different types of non-verbal nomination (gestures, facial expressions) are revealed. The functions of non-verbal signs of perception are described: nominative (to replace verbal nomination), intensive (to add verbal nomination). It is shown that gestures belonging to the sphere of perception may serve as means to create hyperbola or symbol. The material demonstrates peculiarities of thinking of the traditional folk-speech culture keeper as well as the specificity of the nomination of perception and sensations in oral speech.

Keywords: dialect language personality, idiolect, siberian dialects of russian folk-speech culture, sensory studies in linguistics, non-verbal communication, iconicity, gesture


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