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Name: Russian orthography and punctuation through the prism of naive consciousness

Authors: E. G. Basalaeva, O. A. Ruzha, M. V. Shpilman

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 59-69
UDK: 811.161.1’35DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/6

Abstract: The article discusses the author's reflection on spelling and punctuation components of the generated (including uncodified) online text. By reasoning about the literary norms and deviations from them, explanations of punctuation and spelling habits and preferences of native speakers a certain system of rules inherent for modern naive spelling is explicated. The rules of the Russian language, the choice of hyphens and dashes, as well as writing of uppercase and lowercase letters are in the spotlight of the research. The analysis of contexts containing comments on the choice between a dash and a hyphen leads to the conclusion that such factors as the ability of punctuation to affect the meaning, transmit the emotional state of the writing, to be an element of selfpresentation, an indicator of the language media literacy are important for writing. The choice of capital or lowercase letters is often driven by considerations of etiquette, religious and purely pragmatic reasons.

Keywords: reflection, online communication, spelling, punctuation, dash, hyphen, lowercase letter, uppercase letter


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