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Name: On stylistic differentiation of the urban vernacular speech

Authors: E. V. Solomina

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2016Pages 134-143
UDK: 811.161.1’276DOI: 10.17223/18137083/55/15

Abstract: The paper raises the issue of the stylistic differentiation of urban vernacular. The analysis is The paper raises the issue of the stylistic differentiation of urban vernacular. The analysis is based on the records of a concrete speaker’s oral spontaneous speech. The paper shows there are two styles in the native vernacular-2 speaker’s idiolect – a reduced style and a neutral one. Revealed in the above linguistic personality’s idiolect during the analysis were the following reduced style criteria: using expressive insulting pejoratives in the recipient's absence; prosodic signs while pronouncing the insulting words; avoiding the use of reduced words in some situations. It is established that a vernacular speaker’s reduced vocabulary is heterogeneous, there are some groups in its structure with different grades from insignificant to maximal.

Keywords: urban vernacular, linguistic personality, idiolect, style system, reduced words


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