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Name: Lexicographic representation of a system of anthroponyms of a dialect speaker

Authors: E. A. Berestova, E. V. Ivantsova

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2015Pages 164-173
UDK: 811.161.1’28DOI:

Abstract: The paper highlights the concept of «an idiolect dictionary of anthroponyms of the Siberian old-timer», created in the framework of the project of Tomsk dialectological school for the study of the phenomenon of linguistic dialectal personality. The aim of the dictionary is the representation of the idiolekt system of anthroponyms as a significant component of an individual’s vocabulary. The conceived edition is the first experience of combining the interests of lingvopersonology, dialectology and onomastics in lexicographic form. Consideration is given to the typological characteristics of the dictionary, to its sources, its general structure and that of its entries. Among the specific features of the new dictionary are the relying on the data from the real speech of ordinary people, the most complete reflection of all classes of anthroponyms (personal names, patronymics, surnames and nicknames), multiparameter characterization of anthroponyms, involvvement of illustrativematerials of spontaneous everyday discourse and metatexts. The dictionary can be an important source of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of dialectal composition of names, metalinguistic awareness and speech etiquette in the traditional folk speech culture.

Keywords: anthroponyms, dictionary, russian siberian dialects, dialect speaker


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