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Name: Grammatical characteristics of the oral stories of the 2005–2011 years as the evidence of the growing tendencies towards changes in the colloquial Evenki language

Authors: E. L. Rudnitskaya

Institute of oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2015Pages 153-163
UDK: 81+811.512.512+81’36DOI:

Abstract: The paper discusses oral stories in Evenki from 2005–2011. We consider the features of morphology and syntax that characterize the Evenki language as an Altaic language, or form its typological originality. These features are present both in the North and the South dialects, as well as in the literary language. The data obtained make it possible to conclude that there is a tendency to the loss of some typologically rare characteristics, such as the derivational status of certain affixes that form a synthetic construction. There is also a tendency for participles used as the main clause predicates to extend to a wider set of contexts than the background part in a narrative.

Keywords: the evenki language, syntax, morphology, participial sentence, synthetic construction, dialect


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