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Name: The modern word-formative processes conditioned by language contacts (based on the Tuvinian language)

Authors: M. V. Bavuu-Syuryun

Tuva State University, Kyzyl, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2015Pages 114-123
UDK: 811.512.2’366DOI:

Abstract: The paper deals with the modern word-formative processes in the Tuvinian language which were due to language contacts and which have not been adequately covered in the previously published works. Chronologically, the earliest and all-embracing contacts were with the Mongolian language, and later, with the Russian. Currently, direct Mongolian-Tuvinian language contacts have ceased, but some borrowed derivational affixes are still highly productive. Study is made of the morphonological processes in mongolisms. Also described is the structure of the tibetisms that have penetrated into the Tuvinian language through the Mongolian. Borrowed from the Russian language are only nouns whose structure is subject to simplification in the conditions of the Tuvinan language: their endings are sometimes cut off. Regularities have emerged in the formation of relative adjectives from borrowed stems, and in the formation of proper names on Russian models. Abbreviation is considered as a borrowed method of word formation.

Keywords: language contacts, word-formation, tuvinian language, borrowing, word structure


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