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Name: Resultative secondary predicates in Turkic languages

Authors: I. A. Nevskaya

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2015Pages 84-94
UDK: 811.512.1’367DOI:

Abstract: Constructions with resultative and stative verb forms as predicates are traditionally treated as resultative constructions (RCs). In syntactic typology, the term «resultative» also refers to secondary predicates in serial constructions of the type: The lake froze solid and He shoot her dead. Such RC should be distinguished from serial constructions with secondary depictive predicates: пришла радостной ‘she returned happy’ and пьет чай холодным ‘she/he drinks her / his tea cold’. Resultatives differ from depictives in that the state referred to by a resultative occurs after the time frame of the action expressed by the main predicate. The paper deals with RCs with resultative secondary predicates in Turkic languages in contrast to 1) serial constructions with depictive secondary predicates; 2) constructions with adverbial modifiers of manner; 3) constructions with predicate complements denoting the state of their subjects or objects obtained as a result of the action expressed by their verbal predicate. Characteristic features of RCs with resultative secondary predicates are described. Structural types of resultative secondary predicates are distinguished.

Keywords: altaic, turkic languages, syntax, morphology, secondary depictive, resultative predicates


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